Greetings from President

Dear Asian Rowing Family,

It is truly an honor to be elected as the president of the Asian Rowing Federation. I am filled with excitement and confidence – excited that I obtained such an acknowledgment; confident that I can make more contributions to Asian rowing.

For the past four decades, the ARF has been serving as a continental pivot for rowing communication, an active coordinator of rowing events, and a loud voice to make Asian rowing lovers, athletes, and professionals heard in the rest of the world.

We can and will rebuild our faith and come back to normal life through rowing after COVID-19 swamping the world for the past three years. Through fierce combat with the pandemic, more and more nations are reopening. Sports like rowing endow us with dynamics to face difficulties and unveil the looming brightness.

We should popularize rowing by improving the attractiveness of competitions and introducing more Innovative changes to dynamize rowing: athletes should be put into the limelight of rowing events; appealing competitions like Beach Sprint and Coastal Rowing should be paid more attention to; Rowing for All should not only be a slogan, but a guideline.

We need to encourage more young participants to row. Teenagers are the future of rowing. We cannot hope for a flourishing development of rowing without the active involvement of the young.

We are also expected to consider rowing as a green lifestyle. From clean water to the proposal of a low-carbon lifestyle, rowing should be integrated with an environment-friendly philosophy.

At the time of beginning my journey as the President here, I sincerely ask for your continued devotion and support to bestow our shared love – rowing. Let’s join hands and stay united in starting a new chapter for building a better ARF in the future. Thank you.