Asian Rowing Federation was established in 1982. It has 36 national federations and holds Asian Rowing Senior & Junior Championships, Asian Rowing Cup I & II, Asian Rowing Indoor Championships and rowing events of Asian Games & Asian Para-Games.
ARF’s Vision
To encourage the value of rowing in Asia and develop all be involved in this sport.
ARF’s Mission
- Establishment ARF’s collaboration network with clear governance and division of responsibility.
- Building up knowledge base of rowing for development of rowers in various regions.
- Promoting all Asian’s rowers to join the ARF’s competitions.
- Seeking various levels of partnerships for supporting the ARF’s events.
Asian Rowing Strategic Plan
- Goal I Govern and Administer Rowing
- Objective 1 Transparency – Govern with clarity and transparency.
- Publish and make widely available Docs & Info as follows:
Statues, Rules of Racing, Event Regulations, Relevant info regarding member, Strategic plan and Key Performance Indicators, Annual audited, Annual activity reports, Congress Agenda and Minutes and any other important ARF decision.
- Publish and make widely available Docs & Info as follows:
- Objective 2 Democracy – Ensure that key stakeholders are represented in decision making process.
- Apply statutory election processes and ensure that candidates receive equal treatment
- Ensure key stakeholders have the opportunity to be represented in governing bodies
- Ensure governing bodies meet regularly (Congress and Executive Committee)
- Objective 3 Efficient Management – Manage effectively, efficiently and sustainably.
- Regularly assess the Statues, Rules and Regulations as well as the Strategic Plan and Key Performance Indicators.
- Define clear roles, goals, deliverables and responsibilities for the Secretary General, Executive Director, Committees and staffs.
- Ensure that the governance bodies meet regularly and minutes are recorded.
- Hold regular meetings for planning, communications and consultant purposes with Members, Committees and staffs
- Consider equality, integrity, inclusiveness and sustainability in all management decisions.
- Objective 1 Transparency – Govern with clarity and transparency.
- Goal II Develop Rowing
- Objective 1 Participation – Increase the participation of national federations in all main ARF’s events.
- Encourage all NF’s to stage national championships for both men and women
- Encourage all NF’s to participate in Asia, World Junior, World U23 and World Senior Championships and Olympic, Paralympic, and Youth Olympic Games qualifications regattas.
- Shape the qualification system all events to complement ARF’s development objectives.
- Objective 2 Integration – Integrate and expand all forms of rowing.
- Create specific strategies to develop para rowing, coastal rowing, indoor rowing and master rowing.
- Create manual for development and staging events for all of the above.
- Objective 3 Opportunities – Increase the number of rowing opportunities through Asia’s Country and at multi – sports games.
- Create specific projects to assist NF’s to develop rowing among these specific groups.
- Create materials specific for coaches and leaders of these group.
- Stage events specific to these group of rowers.
- Objective 4 Universality – Increase the number of countries that practice rowing and ensure their ongoing growth.
- Identity non – rowing countries and direct development support to help establish them.
- Target countries on a priority basis for a phased approach depending on potential in a short, medium and long term.
- Provide technical and administrative guidance online and in person.
- Utilise event bidding opportunities to develop places to train and complete.
- Ensure the development of rowing in all its form is undertaken in a sustainable way.
- Objective 1 Participation – Increase the participation of national federations in all main ARF’s events.
- Goal III Events and Promote Rowing
- Objective 1 Attractiveness – Provide an event programe that includes high quality events in formats that are attractive and relevant to our target.
- Ensure that event program and schedule is developed to maximize access by our sport spectators.
- Ensure that the competition and event are attractive to athletes, spectators and all media. Also delivering value to the stakeholders.
- Ensure that the format and delivery style of the event reflect ARF’s guiding principles.
- Objective 2 Quality – Deliver rowing events with standards appropriate to status and category in terms of a competition level, facilities and event operations.
- Ensure that competition facilities are of the appropriate standard and provide optimal conditions for rowers to fully demonstrate their competency and talents.
- Ensure that competitions are operated according to the ARF Regulations and in a fair and consistent manner for all ARF events and ARF-sanctioned events.
- Ensure events adhere to ARF’s “Principles for Events Programs”.
- Apply appropriate guidelines and standard for event organizers to provide professional event services and facilities beyond the competition aspects.
- Objective 3 Communications – Be the main source of Asia rowing information.
- Ensure that all communications are current, relevant and of high quality that communication activities are integrated across the channels.
- Maintain a management system for content to ensure an integrated messaging approach across all communication channels, review and develop all key internal and external target spectators and tailor info to their channel and needs.
- Use the ARF website as the main hub for all rowing related information including our brand values.
- Objective 4 Marketing – Promote rowing, its value and rowers in all ARF’s events.
- Communicate with all communities of rowers and fans around Asia, on all platforms.
- Promote rowing’s values “Rows all the year”, using coordinated marketing and communication plans through all media.
- Objective 5 Partnerships – Attract and retain partners that provide complements of rowing’s values and ARF brand and activate their partnership continentally and locally.
- Approach the market differently by changing to values and digitally activated partnerships.
- Attract partners that will complement our sport and brand while creating opportunities for them to activate their investments.
- Support official partnerships, each with individual and exclusive area of ownership, to reinforce and showcase our unique selling point.
- Create opportunities for partnership activation and special promotional events.
- Objective 1 Attractiveness – Provide an event programe that includes high quality events in formats that are attractive and relevant to our target.
1. To promote the sport of rowing and the standard of rowing in Asia
2. To establish and conduct ARF Regattas, conduct, within the limits of the authority of ARF, the regattas staged at Asian Games and Asian Para-Games and support regional multi-sport Games and regional rowing championships regattas and other multi-sport competitions within Asia
3. To courage and assist in the organization of international rowing competitions among Asian countries and regions
4. To encourage the formation of national associations in countries or regions where none exists
5. To strengthen the bond of friendship among those who practice the sports of rowing in Asia
6. To do any other act or thing incidental to or connected with the foregoing objects or in advancement thereof
National Federations

Major Events
– Asian Rowing Championships (for Seniors)
– Asian Rowing Junior Championships
– Asian Rowing Indoor Championships
– Asian Rowing Coastal Championships
– Asian Rowing Cup regattas
A rising sun is in the centre with crossed oars. Surrounding the sun and oars on the upper half are the words “Asian Rowing Federation” in semicircle and in the lower half 22 rings are in chain formation.
The colour of sun is bright, red, oars, chains, and words are in golden yellow colour with the background in navy blue.
Add: 8th Floor WeiTu Bldg., 8 ZuoAnMenNei Ave., Dongcheng, Beijing, 100061 CHINA
Tel: +86-10-67109281
Email: Office@arfrowing.com