2019 FISA/ARF Junior and Women Camp

Event Details

2019 FISA / ARF Junior and Women Coaching Program
11th Dec. to 17th Dec.
Pattaya, Thailand
Bulletin No. 1

Dear FISA / ARF Member,

FISA has been operating its development strategy ensuring that equality is integrated in all development activities. A large number of activities in the development strategy have been identified to align with this objective.

Current rowing coaching, both at national and international level, is unbalanced. Statistics demonstrate that, around the world, 27 percent of rowing coaches are women and an even fewer percentage reach senior coaching levels (women national team coaches are only 17 percent).

In 2019/2020 FISA would especially like to ensure that more opportunities are created to develop the quality and number of women coaches and to make this a part of a larger overall coaching education strategy for the future. Increasing access to education opportunities for women coaches and awareness amongst FISA´s main stakeholders is key, together with establishing a system for sustainable progress with a focus on women rowing coaches’ pathways in place.

The ARF / OCA training camp initiative for Asia, at a Junior level, is seen as an ideal context to create the FISA Women in coaching program and ensure the promotion of a culture of opportunity in order to see more women coaches succeed.

For this objective FISA designed a 7-day pilot coaching program for female coaches to be previously selected by their member National Federations to enable them to gain practical skills they may then bring back to their communities to help develop the sport of Rowing in their region. Engaging female coaches and their National Federations is critical to ensure their professional development. Through a sustainable and dedicated mentorship system FISA wishes to expand the participation of women in coaching together with the Asian Rowing Federation and the Olympic Council of Asia

The FISA Women in Coaching Program stands on a combination of theoretical/practical components and includes a module on female coaches’ pathways.

By putting forward this application your National Federation indicates the support for your female coach to attend the 2019 Women in Coaching program in Pattaya, Thailand, and potentially stay for the Asian Rowing Junior Championships accompanying your national team. In parallel ARF commits to cover the female coach local costs (accommodation, local transport and meals) from 11 to 17 December 2019. After the camp, Women coaches should stay at least one day 18th for the heat racing of ARJC/ARMC/AC and paid local costs by your national federation from 18 to 22 December 2019.

Interested Federations should apply to FISA/ARF/OC by the 15th November 2019.
Entry email to
office_arf@sports.cn, office@arfrowing.com (two ARF email box for approval),
yihuan.chang@fisa.org (FISA email for information and approval)
tukky1972@gmail.com (Thailand OC for visa and local arrangement)


Free Training Camp for ARF/FISA Junior Rowers and Women Coaching

  1. Date: from 11-17 December 2019 (7 days)
  2. Venue: Pattaya Thailand, venue for ARJC.
  3. Accommodation: Royal Thai Navy Rowing Center or Ambassador City Jomtien, Pattaya
  4. Discipline:
    M1x, M2x, M4x ,M2-, M4-, LM1x ,LM2x, LM4-
    W1x, W2x, W2-, W4-,W4x ,LW1x, LW2x, LW4x
  5. Free Quota:
    if 1 female coach+2 rowers, each NF enjoy 3 free quota
    if 1 male coach+1 rower, each NF enjoy only 2 free quota.
    if more than 2 or 3 free quota, NFs should pay 100usd/person/day for the additional participants.
    all teams should stay at least 1 day 18th for the heat racing and paid by NFs including
    accommodation and boat rental fees. Otherwise cannot enjoy free camp.
  6. Financial Support: free camp means free local transportation and accommodation, boats
    during camp, excluding air ticket. Don’t support the airfare and insurance. Participants shall
    bear the airfare and insurance for the training camp period.
  7. Key date & Schedule:
    Date Schedule Note
    10th Dec. 2019 Arrival in Thailand & Site Visit NF->Pattaya, Thailand
    11th -17th Dec. Junior Rowers and Women Coaching Camp ARJC Rowing Venue
    18th Dec. 2019 First racing day for ARJC Start to pay by NFs
  8. Entry
    Please submit your entry for the below 4 emails at the same time before deadline 15th NOV.
    – ARF for approval
    ARF Sec-Gen: office@arfrowing.com
    Ms.Flora: office_arf@sports.cn
    – FISA for information
    Mr. Yihuan Chang: yihuan.chang@fisa.org
    – Thailand OC for visa and local arrangement
    Captain Jirames: tukky1972@gmail.com

Schedule of 2019 FISA/ARF Junior and Women Camp

  1. This is an outline program only and may be subject to change depending on logistics on the ground, local weather, progress of the participants, etc. All participants will be kept updated via daily briefings.
  2. The ARF Camp is aimed primarily at juniors who will be racing at the Asian Junior Championships.
  3. There will be a very wide range of ages, language ability and experience. Some junior athletes will be well-trained, whilst others may be complete novices. The groups and daily program will need to reflect this and can only be arranged after initial assessment by the lead coaches.
  4. The participants on the Women in Coaching course will assist in the day-to-day running of the camps as part of their practical training. Theory sessions for the coaches will also be arranged in the evenings and after lunch – these will broadly follow the FISA Coach Education syllabus.

Tue. Dec 10

Arrival of coaching team. Venue visit. Planning meeting with OC to finalize camp/course arrangements – check venue, logistics, boats, safety arrangements, lecture facilities, other equipment etc.
Arrival and check-in for Women in Coaching and Junior Camp Participants

Wed. Dec 11 – Day 1

PM1: Welcome & Briefing for All Participants
Video show – W1x final Rio. Briefing – safety (including heat/climate risks), equipment allocation, general camp rules, training circulation patterns, outline timetable, goals of camp. Have participants introduce themselves and state what they want from the camp.

PM2: Women in Coaching – Rigging Theory
Rigging – go over basics, link between proper rigging and good technique. Present basic rigging numbers as starting point – hand out rigging record sheets for use tomorrow. Split coaches into teams to help camp juniors rig boats

Thu. Dec 12 – Day 2

Breakfast and travel to course. (travel time ~ 30’) Morning Briefing
– repeat safety and equipment rules!

Junior Camp dynamic warm-up/30’ CII/ 30’ jog/post stretching.
Women in Coaching – rigging camp boats with guidance on practical aspects/rigging tips/solutions. Record rig for each camp boat on prepared sheets.

Junior Camp – return to hotel for lunch

Women in Coaching – stay at course to complete rigging (packed lunch?)
Junior Camp return to course for afternoon session

Junior Camp – 12km easy set up row – mix of drills and steady – continue adjustment and set-up of boats.
Women in Coaching – assist with rigging, in-boat set-up, safety and traffic reminders, etc.

All participants return to hotel for dinner

PM3: Women in CoachingPresentation by Head Coaches

Fri. Dec 13 – Day 3

Breakfast and travel to course.

Morning Briefing – what we are trying to achieve in the camp, quality training, key technique points, link between training and the 2000m race.

Junior Camp / Women in Coaching – 12-14km LSD rate 18-22 mix of 4km drills, 4km steady rowing and 4km sprints- take some video of each crew- “as their start up” what they looked like at the beginning of camp.

All participants return to hotel for lunch. Women in Coaching – quick review of videos if time permits.

PM1: Women in Coaching – Break-out groups with Head Coaches

All participants – return to course for afternoon session

Afternoon Briefingstarts – video of international starts – go through technique how to do starts – (coaches and Olympic scullers discuss their starts)

PM2: Junior Camp / Women in Coaching – 12km with 4km drills, 4km steady state and 4km short slide starts- building up to start and 20 by end of row.

PM3: Women in Coaching – Basic Rowing Physiology Theory

Sat. Dec 14 – Day 4

Breakfast and travel to course

Morning Briefing – informational talk about race day routines- pre-race warm up- to pre-row or not, routine of race day. Discuss what pre-race warm up consists of have athletes give examples.

Junior Camp – AM-12-14km- pre-race warm up-approximately 4km/ 2x2km mix of steady and 250m’s 2 of them focused on starts, 2 on work phase body of race, 2 on sprint to the line/ 4km steady rhythm rowing.
Women in Coaching – split into groups with some helping training and some reviewing videos in preparation for feedback sessions.

All participants return to hotel for lunch. Women in Coaching – continue review of videos if time permits.

PM1: Women in CoachingBreak-out groups with Head Coaches

PM2: Junior Camp / Women in Coaching– VIDEO FEEDBACK FOR ALL (sign-up list for time slots)
Optional cross-training or afternoon rest/recovery activities

PM3: Women in CoachingBasic Rowing Technique Theory

Sun. Dec 15 – Day 5

Breakfast and travel to course

AM1: Junior Camp / Women in Coaching – 12-14km Steady Rowing, drills and Sprints

Lunch ALL

PM1: Junior Camp / Women in Coaching -12-14km- 4km w/up / 2km with rate changes 28/24/26/28/ + video 2km steady/2km with rate changes 28/24/26/28/ 4km steady and drills.

PM2: Women in Coaching – Rowing Technique & Basic Stroke Mechanics

Mon. Dec 16 – Day 6

Breakfast and travel to course

AM1: Junior Camp / Women in Coaching – Briefing about the mental side of training and racing – practice the day before racing today…. What do sessions
consist of the day before racing? Do you do one or two sessions? Do you do some sprint work? Or do you do a longer rhythm piece at lower rates?
8-12kmSS rate 18-22 mix of drills, steady rowing and sprints-

Lunch ALL

PM1: Junior Camp / Women in Coaching practice of row the night before a race- what does it consist of? 8-12km? Possible land components of warm-ups

PM2: Women in Coaching – Training Methodology & Planning

Tue. Dec 17 – Day 7

Breakfast and travel to course

Simulation of race day- do everything as you will do on the first day of Jr Asian Championships…what/when you will eat- will you pre-row-everything planned out…

AM1: Junior Camp / Women in Coaching AM- pre- row- if athletes will do one- how long? 4km/8km? What will you do during this row? Discuss with coaches
8-12km- pre-race warm up and either a 2km break down-
500m/1000m/500m work out OR flat out 2km- GROUP SESSION

Lunch ALL

PM1: Junior Camp / Women in Coaching -12km steady and drills feedback from AM
PM2: Women in CoachingGeneral Conditioning/Injury

Departure of coaches and athletes not staying for Asian Junior Championships

Wed. Dec 18 – Day 1 start to pay
Asian Rowing Junior Championships, Asian Rowing Masters Regatta and Asian Rowing Cup.