2017 ARF High Performance Training Camp at Taishun, China

2017 ARF High Performance Training Camp was held in Taishun China from 12th Nov. 2017 to 25th Jan. 2018 sponsored by ARF. It is the first time for ARF to host such a long period and high level training camp, which attracted 60 athletes and coaches from 12 national federations of ARF. With 6 coaches and lecturers, 6 staff from ARF Secretariat, 8 staff from OC, there are 80 participants in total for 75 days, which make a history of ARF.

Aim and Goal
This HPTC is aimed to improve the coaching standard by learning from the internationals and spreading out practical training methods.
To help the top rowers from different national/regional federations enhance their abilities and become competitive rowers throughout the world.
To have better performance in 2018 Asian Games and more Asian boats can show up in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.
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Mr. Andrew Paul Harrison has coached international and domestic champions in Canada, Japan, and the U.S., and has coached in 4 Olympic Games and 15 years of international championships. He understands what it takes to move a shell fast, also a good leader, and has a passion for coaching winners.
Training Plan and Personal Analysis Report
For this HPTC, Drew scheduled detailed training plan. Every week, there will be a time trial on water and ergometer to test their performance, Following his plan, most athletes move boats faster and some even broke their best record on ergometer.
Assistant coaches videoed all rowers and coach teams analyzed each rower one by one face by face and finally give them a written analysis report which point out each rower’s advantages and disadvantages.
For 12 coaches from 12 NFs, ARF invited Chinese famous coaches to deliver 7 seminars on topics of DesignTraining Program and Training Methodology, Rowing experience sharing, Rigging, The organization of Rowing training,Training Plans for different boats and rowers and so on. These seminars helped coaches to learn and share coaching methods.
Local Transportation, Accommodation, Food, Activities
ARF provides free accommodation with three meals every day and all related equipment for all 80 participants. The training base is surrounded by mountains and clean waters full of fresh air, which is far from downtown city. The disadvantage is that local transportation is inconvenient and 3-hour-rive from the nearest Wenzhou airport.
For accommodation, all participants live in dormitory with 2 or 3 beds, which is about 5-minute-walk to the pontoon. Each room has TV, indoor bathroom and toilet equipped with all living goods like towel, tissue, tooth brush& paste, closet, and each floor has 6 washing machines. Dormitory is like a hotel with easy access.
For food, OC purchased meat, vegetables, fruits, soft drinks, milk&bread, snacks every early morning to the town and all the 3 meals are buffets. Each meal has about 8 dishes and maples like rice, noodles, bread, dumplings. Some dishes are Chinese styles and some are in western taste like toasted beef&mutton, french fries, sausage, fried chicken, spaghetti.
For entertainment activities, OC arranged a one-day sightseeing tour to local culture and nature tourist resort. Every weekend, OC arranged a bus to nearest town for shopping. And all rooms and public areas are covered with free WIFI. Some athletes learn and try Taobao or Alibaba (like Amazon) for internet shopping, which is really convenient for mail and delivery. (only 2-3 days to receive the goods). All participants celebrated Christmas and New Year together with mixed rowing marathon, playing games and watching gala on TV. These activities make all participants like a big rowing family.
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Each participant received 9 items as below:
1.Camp Uniform
2.Participating Certificate
3.Camp handbook (E-version as attachment)
4.Book Rowing Techniques
5.Hard copy of whole Training Plan
6.Hard copy of Time Trial Results
7.Hard copy of Analysis Report
8.Handbook for Venue Introduction
9.Gift from local government
For more details, please refer to the: Handbook for 2017 ARF High Performance Training Camp
Significance and Achievements
This is the first time for ARF to host such a long period and high level training camp with 80 participants for 75 days. From their time trial results, analysis reports and the feedback from participants (written words and signatures for the feelings about the camp), this camp is significant that all athletes have got improved in the techniques about posture, accuracy and other aspects, in power and strength and in the stroke length. Most of the athletes performed better and better during weekly 8K time trials. A lot of our athletes have broken their best records on ergometer.
All participants enjoy their stay in the camp and a lot of participants shows their willingness to participate in the ARF HPCT again and some teams maybe come back for training by themselves.
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