President Wang Shi Participated in Doha GCC Beach Game

ARF President Wang Shi paid a visit to GCC 2nd Beach Game during April 2nd-3rd. It is the first time that coastal rowing entered Game level in Asia. Athletes from the Gulf Cooperation Council, namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates actively participated in this new entry.
The coastal rowing event lasted for two days with double sculls in the first day and single sculls in the second. For men’s double scull, Kuwait took gold, followed by the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. For the men’s single sculls on the following day, United Arab Emirates crossing the line first, with Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia following.
The addition of coastal rowing into Beach Game, called for attentions of rowing sports among GCC countries. Saudi Arabia and Bahrain set up rowing team for this game. Most rowers in Saudi Arabia’s rowing team came from kayak sport while team members from Bahrain were mostly from Navy and kayak sport. Both teams showed great interest in coastal rowing and their coaches indicated confidence that their rowing teams will become stronger in the following year.
The success of this new rowing event brings hope of further rowing sport development in West Asia Region. This trip also triggered President Wang Shi’s interest in developing coastal rowing in other Asian countries and introducing the joy of coastal rowing and sculling to more water-sport lovers in Asia.