World Water Day: A Combination of Rowing Sport and Environmental Protection

World Water Day: A Combination of Rowing Sport and Environmental Protection
——Alxa SEE Ecological Association and Asian Rowing Federation Joined Hands Together on the World Water Day Forum
22nd March, Shanghai, the well-known environmental protection institution in China, Alxa SEE (Society of Entrepreneur and Ecology) held a public benefit activity on the Chinese water resource named “Water and Sustainable Development Forum”. As the cooperation partner, the Asian Rowing Federation held the sub-forum “The Rowing and the Protection of the Water Resource”. The Asian Rowing Federation Chairman, Wang Shi, delivered the opening speech. The guest speakers, WWF (World Wildlife Fund) Yangtze River Conservation Project expert Jiang Yong and International Rowing Federation development advisor Ken Lee also made applause-arousing speeches. Alxa SEE Ecological Association is the first public character Institution which takes social responsibilities as its own duty, composed of the entrepreneurs, and devoted to the environmental protection. Confronting with the deteriorating water crisis, the institution appealed to everyone to pay more attention to the local mother rivers, and to take the water crisis as a big issue of concern.
The forum invited more than a hundred officials and leaders from a number of organizations and institutions, including UNESCO, WWF, IPE, MCF, MAB, EDF, CECC, the H2o-China Net, the Shanshui Conservation Center, the Asian Rowing Federation and the Alxa SEE Ecological Association. The forum participants had extensive and in-depth discussions on topics such as the trends of Chinese water management policies, water and the sustainable development of the enterprise, the operating status quo and prospect of the application of PPP in water resource management, the water strategies of the enterprise, and the enterprise and the public welfare concerning the water, etc.
Sports and environments are both indispensable parts of human being’s health and survival. The alliance achieved between sports and environmental protection this time represents not only the promotion of rowing that brings people closer to the water, but also an embodiment of the unity of man and nature. Sports represent the health and the sustainable development, so does the environmental protection. Hence in its nature, to promote the sports and the environmental protection are for the same goal, namely, the common course of the development of human health.
Following the Strategic Alliance Agreement signed in Shanghai on 15th, March, here at the forum the ARF and the WWF accomplished another cooperation between sports and environmental protection. What is noteworthy is that the leading role this time is the Chinese entrepreneurs’ environmental protection institution —— the Alxa SEE Ecological Association. And it is this institution that provides with the first solution. The ARF Chairman, Mr. Wang Shi, also an accomplished entrepreneur, announced that, “Water sports like rowing would bring people much closer to the water, and they are among the best ways to convey the ideas of environmental protection. In the future, the ARF will promote the ideas and cases that may clear the water under the pressure of introducing and conducting rowing races in China. And this is also the clearly chartered course for the ARF and the WWF to cooperate.”
(The Alxa SEE Ecological Association, founded and sponsored by over a hundred of Chinese entrepreneurs on 5th, June, 2005, is an environmental protection institution. The membership-based non-government and non-profit institution is the first one to take social responsibilities (S) as its own duty, composed of entrepreneurs (E), devoted to protect the ecology of the earth (E). The 80 initiation entrepreneurs of the institution promised that in a consecutive ten years, every one of them would invest 100,000 every year to alleviate the dust storms in Alxa. And to take it as the start line, they would continue to commit themselves in the course to promote the harmony between people and nature, between people and society, and between people and people.)