2016 ARF Joint Committee Meetings in Jiashan, China

On 7th September, 2016, the 2016 ARF Joint Committee Meeting was successfully held at Jiashan, China. 27 members from eight committees participated in this meeting. On behalf of ARF President Wang Shi and Executive Committee, ARF Vice President Mr. Vahid Moradi gave a welcome speech to all committee members and briefly introduced the procedure of this-year ARF Joint Committee Meeting.
Next, Ms. Yin Zhang, the Executive Director of ARF made a detailed work report for the ARF Secretariat. She emphasized the importance of the cooperation between Secretariat and Committees in all ARF activities and looked into the direction of the future joint efforts of Secretariat and Committees.
Further more, the Individual Committee Meetings and Cross-committee Meetings were conducted. Within each committee, committee members had a chance to get more familiar with each other. Then, different committees gathered together and discussed about the potential opportunity for future cooperation. Newly established committees: Masters Rowing Committee and Sport Medicine Committee took this opportunity to get close to other committees and for the first time played their roles in Asian rowing development.
In the closing section, each committee gave a presentation about their accomplishments, goals and action plans. However, there were still some challenges to be faced with. Even though after two years of cooperation all the committees had been working smoothly, some of the committee members remained inactive. Therefore, based on the proposal from some committee chairs, it was commonly agreed that building a complete mechanism for committee member replacement was necessary. By this ARF could make sure that more passionate and active members can work in committees and the work of committees can be more efficient.

With the ending speech by Mr. Moradi, it was announced that the 2016 ARF Joint committees meeting was successfully finished. It is believed that the fruitful outcome of the meeting will make great contribution to the future development of Asian Rowing.