2016 ARF Para-rowing Training Camp and 2016 ARF Para-rowing Coaching Workshop in Chungju, Korea.

In the month before Rio 2016, new generation of Asian Para Rowing gathered in Chungju, Korea. A total of 12 Para-rowing athletes and 4 coaches from China, UAE and Korea took part in the 2016 Asian Rowing Federation Para-rowing Training Camp and 2016 Asian Rowing Federation Para-rowing Coaching Workshop from Aug. 16th- Sept. 5th.
Indoor training for all the athletes.
Indoor conditioning.
Athletes and coaches began their 21 days of journey at a Chungju Rowing Center where 2013 World Rowing Championships and 2016 Asia and Oceania qualification regatta took place. The Training Camp was held under the supervision of qualified instructors. As all the athletes were relatively new to rowing with various range of capacity, the capacity of each athlete was measured and discussed at first in order to maximize athletes’ abilities throughout the training session.

Check the equipments before the training.
On-water training.
During the period of the Training Camp, Coaching Workshop was carried out for the coaches as well. FISA lecturer Franco Parnigotto from Italy participated as one of the lecturers for coaching workshop. He shared his valuable wisdom especially in respect to his personal experience as a para-rowing coach in Italy. He said, “It is my pleasure to meet all these new and young athletes here today. In my opinion it is us, the coaches’ mission to find young athletes because fundamentally it is where we could find the biggest potential not to mention the possibility given to their own life.”
Coach Franco Parnigotto on the lecture.
Coach Franco Parnigotto instructs the on-water training.
Chair of ARF Para-rowing Committee Seung Hoon Han on the lecture.
The Training Camp turned into the highlight at Jiashan China, where the 2016 Asian Rowing Championships was held. All the participants took a trip to Jiashan and competed there. It was the first time for some of the athletes competing in International regatta. Although due to the lack of entries some of the para-rowing events were canceled, ARF and OC found their best way to give opportunity to all para-rowing rowers to present their spirits and skills on the stage of 2016 Asian Rowing Championships.

Para-rowing athletes at the 2016 Asian Rowing Championships.
Para-rowing athletes at the 2016 Asian Rowing Championships National Dinner.
Omar El Meskini, a coach from UAE team mentioned “I would like to thank ARF and KPRA for organizing training camp and offering this great opportunity.” He also expressed his desire to host training camp for Asian para rowers. He said, “It is absolutely a long journey ahead to achieve such a goal. In fact in Abu Dhabi we don’t even have a one single boat. In a near future though, I wish more people could get involved in para-rowing in UAE. This Training Camp has been a great start to inspire athletes and to bring up positive awareness to para sports.”
ARF is making unremitting effort on expanding para rowing across Asian countries. Dr. Seung Hoon Han, Chair of Para Rowing Committee in ARF is also showing expectation for next year’s Asian para-rowing camp in Thailand. With these efforts to foster better training environment for Asian para-rowing athletes, the para-rowing is expected to be more popular around Asia.