2017 ARF Para-Rowing Training Camp

For the development of Para-rowing in Asia, from 20th to 31st August, 2017 ARF Para-Rowing Training Camp was held in Pattaya, Thailand. This was first time in history that ARF Para-rowing Training Camp was held in South East Asia.

In this camp, 11 para-rowing athletes and their coaches participated. In spite of some rowers were beginners and some of them already had para-rowing experiences, all the para rowers enjoyed the training camp under the supervision of the coach and learnt a lot about the rowing.

It is believed that even though Asian para-rowing is still in the early stage of development, with the joint effort of ARF and all the participants in ARF Para-Rowing Training Camp, this amazing event will bring more happiness to para-rowing athletes throughout Asia.


Rigging the boat


Embark the boat3

On water training


Group photo of training camp